Thursday, April 10, 2014


Meet Yates.
1 // You love music.  I mean LOVE music.  You dance to every beat that you hear.
2 // You are a weird eater.  Texture throws you off.  I tried to feed you my homemade baby food - but  you hated every single bit of it.  So I relied on Gerber and you gobbled it up.  Kind of hurt my feelings if we're being honest.  But you taught me not to sweat being that perfect mother that makes her child eat nothing but organic-no sugar food.

3 // You love being outside - and have since you were just a few months old.  You get quiet as a mouse and watch everything around you. 

4 // You say "whoa" when things are really cool.  You also love to say "woof, woof" when you see or hear a dog.  We think you even say "thank you" and that makes Mama proud.  REALLY proud.

5 // You aren't scared by loud noises.  When Dada starts his motorcycle you are mesmerized.   And that makes Dada really proud.

6 // You think banana is poison.  Despite your sister's affection for it.  You also think anything that is made with bread is poison.  You really like cheese though, and pop-tarts.

7 // You are the best snuggler.  I don't have to ask for a hug, you just give it.  And when you wake up in the morning I am the only one you want.  That makes you a Mama's boy.  Sorry, but not sorry.
8 // Despite being a Mama's boy your favorite word is Dada.  And you follow him around everywhere.  Whatever.
9 //You think trucks, garbage trucks, or really anything with wheels are the best thing ever.
10 // You love to play with basketballs.  When you throw it, you giggle like crazy.  Play monkey in the middle... and you're done.

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