Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Rain, Rain, Go and Play

Rain, Rain, Go and Play

Yesterday it rained all day.  When Chloe woke up she quickly sat up in bed, bright- eyed and with a bit of a gasp in her little voice said, “Rain?!”  Her excitement caught me off guard.  The rain made her morning different from most mornings, and that made it exciting.  Her attitude towards rain quickly changed the way I had thought of the day.

That afternoon we went outside and played – because rain is exciting.  We talked about the rain, and why flowers need rain, why birds need rain, why the trees need rain.  We skipped and jumped in puddles.  We let our toes touch the cool, damp ground.  We noticed how rain made the grass even greener, and the soil even richer.  We had fun.  It was then that I remembered how important rain really is, and I felt guilty for thinking of it as an inconvenience to my day.

The next time I wake up and see rain, I am going to gasp and say, “Rain?!” too – because rain can make the day really, really exciting.

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