Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Growing up on a Ball Field

Growing up as a principal's daughter I spent a lot of time on the ball field after school.  From these experiences I did not become an athlete (not even close), but I learned to appreciate sports and the experience that evolves from being a part of that environment.  I then married a high school football coach and now my children get to experience the same joys of growing up around sports as I did.  Whether you play a sport or not, ball fields are nothing short of a magical place.  The crisp afternoon air, the sun laying low in the sky, athletes playing their hearts out, families and friends passionately cheering on their players, and children running around free in nearby fields - making childhood memories that will last a lifetime.  Ball fields are magical... because that is where kids get to be kids - and adults can forget for a moment that they are adults and be kids again too.

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