My dearest baby girl,
You are three. You have always been such a good and sweet girl, but yet strong willed and stubborn. Most of the time you are easy to please but you are a bit of a perfectionist and opinionated on much more than most three year olds. You love all things pink and sparkly and insist on freshly painted nails. (Your nails look better than mine most of the time.) You love, love, love unicorns. You have a collection now that will rival most. I find it very endearing that you have picked something to love out of the ordinary, but yet still very girly and feminine, just like you. You stay busy and don't like to nap most days now. I blame that on me, as I am always feeling antsy, like something needs to be done so you ask often, "What are we doing now?" because you don't want to miss anything. You also have a southern accent that everyone picks up on. You say "I'm tirrrrrred" emphasizing the "r" like you were born in the backwoods of Florida. (Actually your Daddy was, so maybe that is where it comes from.) You love your "little brother Yates," which is how you introduce him to everyone and it is very apparent you are proud of him and the fact that you have a little brother- one that is so close in age to you that people often mistake the two of you for twins. You and Yates are inseparable and while you love time alone with Mommy or Daddy on special days you worry about what Yates is doing, or where he is. You and your little brother play together well, but he irritates you because he doesn't follow "your rules." You love to play with legos, but you very strategically place them in towers and he just wants to push them down. You are a rule follower. You love to sing but you don't want people to sing with you. (You love to hear yourself sing, and nobody can sing the way you can... trust me.) You have an insatiable sweet tooth and have found that licking the icing is the best part of the cake. You also love ice cream, with sprinkles, because that makes the ice cream pretty. I love you so much my baby girl and while it seems as though it were yesterday that my water broke on New Years day three years ago and you were born the next day, I have loved watching you grow into a beautiful little girl.
I love you to the moon and back... and even farther... much, much farther.
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