Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sow Some Love



Sow Some Love.
Growing up my family had a garden during the summer.  As a child I had the responsibility of helping my dad plant the seeds after the soil was tilled, and helping my mom pick the vegetables out of the garden once they were ripe.  I can't say I loved every minute of it.  It usually fell under the category of being a "chore," but I sure did love a good tomato sandwich on white bread for lunch, and I begged my mom to fry the fresh okra from our garden.

As I've gotten older I've learned to appreciate the memories I have of working in the garden, and this year I decided it was time our little family started to do the same.  My husband takes jobs much more seriously than I do, and became a man- on- a- mission to make my dream come true.  Yates was right by his side the entire time.  From drilling the screws into the boards of the garden boxes, to going to fill up Dada's truck up with dirt for the plants - he was Daddy's side kick.  Chloe and I watched from afar, admiring their hard work... she even stopped to pick and smell flowers in between Daddy's wheel-barrow trips of dirt to and from his truck.  But, once the boys were finished with their messy work, it was time for Chloe and I to dig in.  We started with tomato plants and will be planting squash, cucumbers and peppers later, when the weather gets a little warmer - or so the sweet, old man from his front yard vegetable stand says.
We've already spent an incredible amount of time as a family with our garden, and Chloe takes her job of watering the plants everyday very seriously - she gets that from Dada.  I'm pretty excited about enjoying a fresh tomato sandwich this summer, but I'm even more excited about the love we've sowed together as a family.

** Isn't the new blog design amazing?  I have to say, I'm pretty smitten.  A huge thank you to Kimchi and Sweet Tea for putting it together.  Quinn gave me everything I wanted and more.  Check out her work ... and her two girls have some pretty sweet cheeks too! **

1 comment:

  1. I love your garden blog post, Laura. The memories you've made will last a lifetime. The pictures are amazing!
