Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A Truckload of Fun

Did you know that our garbage truck is called a grapple truck?  I didn’t either… but now that I have a boy – and he’s allll boy – I’m learning new things every day.  It’s probably the teacher in me, but when we explore and talk about something new I want to be able to use the right words and give the correct explanation.  Usually this means I have to do my research – because I’m allll girl - and I don’t know my trucks, trains, or planes.

We are lucky because our garbage trucks come on Friday evenings.  It’s become our free Friday night entertainment and around 5:30 we start waiting by the window or outside in our driveway.  Yates even senses that it’s almost time by pointing and babbling to us as if to say, “Where is he?” - “Is he here yet?”  Our sweet garbage man knows that we are expecting him, and will put on a show, even for the tiniest of twigs that we have strategically placed in front of our house.

I don’t need my date night out on Friday nights anymore - to go to an expensive restaurant or to the latest movie to make me happy.  Thanks for teaching me new things every day Yates, like that garbage trucks can make me really happy, because it makes you happy.

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